Friday, March 1, 2019

March 4-8

Wow!  How is it March already?!  Let's hope Mother Nature know that means spring should be here soon!

Here is the march lunch menu.

Important Dates and Reminders:
March 7: Author's Breakfast: CANCELLED
March 8:  1/2 day (11:30 dismissal)
March 19&21: Conferences (sign up to come)
March 22: NO SCHOOL for students

Reading:  This week we will become avid readers of poetry!  We will learn how to make our reading sound smooth and will also work to show emotions in the poems we read.  We will end the week with a Poetry Extravaganza where we will perform, illustrate and even write our own poems using the beat of poems we know well.

Writing: Opinion writing is up and running in Kindergarten!  This week we will learn that we can voice our opinion about problems we see around us and write as a way to try to fix it.  We will use the following chart to help us:
1. See a problem
2. Think
3.  Write
This work will lead us to writing letters, making signs and even creating petitions to make our school a better place.  The big goal for Kindergartners in this unit is to understand how powerful their words can be to persuade others.

Math:This week in math we will continue to solidify our understating of teen numbers and the equations and quantities that represent them.  We will be matching equations to representations of teen numbers and work to understand that the extra ones that join with ten are always the second digit displayed in a teen number.  It is common error for kindergarten students to write 71 for 17.  We will also work with partners of numbers and will play a game called missing partner.  This will help us to visualize how quantities combine to make a larger numbers.  This is something that could be played at home with coins or any small plastic object.  The goal is to display a set of objects and then cover part of that set and for students to be able to say what they see and say what is missing to make the total number of objects.  For example: "I see 4, one is missing, 4 and 1 make 5."  We will also be introduced to and explore 3D shapes and compare them with 2D shapes.

Science: We officially posted videos to our Seesaw accounts! To see your students video, use the paper copy directions that were sent home or follow these directions:

Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. Seesaw is private; you'll only see posts created by your child.
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  3. Create your account
  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child
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Thank you for supporting your child's learning!

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