Friday, April 5, 2019

April 8-12

Here is the link for the April school newsletter.

Upcoming Events: 
April 15: Family Night- please return forms by Monday
April 17: 1/2 day 11:30 dimissal
April 18-22: NO SCHOOL
May 10: Building for Kids Field Trip- more info to come

Check out what's happening in the super room this week!

Reading: Readers will begin to ask themselves these questions:
  • What strategies have I tried to solve these unknown words?
  • Did it work?
  • What else could I try? 
By reflecting on what they have tried, the readers will begin to discover when different strategies work best and become more efficient when choosing strategies. Here is a chart of some of the main strategies readers rely on:

Writing: There will be a strong connection between reading from last week and writing this week! As nonfiction readers, students learned that they can ask questions while reading and even try to answer them! Since we are writing nonfiction books, we can use this to add more to our books.  This chart shows the questions we can ask:

 First, writers will read through their books, asking themselves if they answered questions readers might have on each page. Then students will sit with their reading partners, read the books they wrote, and allow their partners to stop and ask questions--just like we did in reading! The partners will work together to try to answer the questions to add more to their piece of writing.

Math:  We are just beginning our LAST math unit of the year...holy cow!!  This unit is called Consolidation of Concepts and will focus on all of the important skills students need to attain in Kindergarten in order to have a solid grasp of mathematical concepts to build on in 1st grade.  All of these topics are repetitive and you might find me to a be a broken record when keeping you in the loop!  Please know that this is by design...our curriculum Math Expressions, is a spiral curriculum, meaning concepts are taught over and over across the year in various ways, taking students' development into consideration and giving them ample opportunity to master and deeply understand concepts!

ScienceWe will began our science unit about forces:  the pushes, pulls, and other actions that we do whenever we do work. Scientists will learn that before we had machines, we had to do lots of work by hand. We will talk about how machines are not magical; rather they just seem that way because there are often moving parts hidden inside. Encourage your child’s curiosity by asking them to go on a “machine walk” around the house: invite your child to identify machines around your home.(examples include things like a washing machine or dryer, a dishwasher, a hair dryer, an electric toothbrush, a car).

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