Friday, May 3, 2019

May 6-10

Our field trip is Friday!  Remember that students and chaperones need a bag lunch and drink (no lunch boxes) unless you preordered a bag lunch from school!

Upcoming Events
5/10: Building for Kids Field Trip

HAVE FUN summer dress up day count down:
Tuesday, May 28- Hat day or crazy hair day
Wednesday, May 29- dress like an Animal or bring in your favorite stuffed animal
Thursday, May 30- dress like you’re going on a Vacation
Friday, May 31- Enjoy yourself--dress in something you love
Monday, June 3- dress like a character from a Fairy tale
Tuesday, June 4- dress actively for field day (there will be many Unique activities!)
Wednesday, June 5- NDLC wear or Neon day!

5/21: Family Night

Reading: Readers reread for many reasons! We will use the following tool to learn about how/why we reread and make plans for rereading with a partner.

Your reader will be creating a video to show you how they use rereading in their books! Check out the videos on Seesaw on Thursday!

Writing: After creating some AMAZING all about books, the writers are ready to tackle true stories! During read alouds in the classroom, we have used the following chart to keep track of story elements in our books.

This week, we will use the chart to help us plan our true stories. Writers need to make sure that their pictures and words show who, where, and what happened on every page. Students will also learn that they need to make sure their story has a beginning, middle, and end. We can't wait to get started on this new genre of writing. 

Math: This week in math we will continue to study the ways numbers to work together (part, part, whole) to form numbers 6-10.  We will practice this by playing the missing partner game and a game called Pigs in a Pen.
To play Pigs in a Pen, students put 10 objects in 2 rows of 5.  One student closes his/her eyes and another student removes part of the group.  The other student then has to use how many they see to determine how many have been removed.
As students play they say this rhyme....
"Oink, Oink 3 pigs in the pen, tell me what is the partner of 10."
The students then say both quantities together "3 and 7 are partners of 10."
This game helps with both subitizing work and counting on from a number which is an important addition strategy. This would be a great to work with math at home!

Science:  This week, we will start to learn about simple machines and how they can help to do work. The scientists will become inventors and will be asked to think about how a machine could help with a chore—or better yet, do the chore for them. Students will draw a machine that could help them and then use materials in the room to build it! We are so excited to finish up the week at the Building for Kids to further explore simple machines! 

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