Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 17-21

We hope you have a wonderful break full of family, friends, rest, and laughs.
See you next year!

Upcoming Events:
December 22-January 2: No School 

Reading: Kindergarteners will work on making predictions, rereading, and using book talk power to become stronger readers. All of these skills help readers to really think about what is happening in the story; developing deeper comprehension. We will not be sending book bags home over break. Instead, cuddle up and read some of your favorite holiday or seasonal books:)

Writing: Writers will work on elaboration this week. Whenever we are writing true stories, we can add more details by showing in pictures and writing in words. Writers think about what more to add by asking the following questions:
  • Who was there?
  • Where is the story taking place?
  • What happened?
  • What did people say? (speech bubbles)
  • How were they feeling?

Math: We will work on teen numbers this week. As mathematicians, the most efficient way to see teen numbers is to see the group of ten and the extras. We will create teen number books to practice building ten and the extras. We will also work on finding the partners of the numbers 2-6. This letter explains how we introduce and use partners in Kindergarten. Finally, mathematicians will use math tools to solve both addition and subtraction problems within 5.

Snap Words: Here is a list of the snap words we have learned and practiced at school:
I, a, the, is, and, it, me, here, can, we, see, in, you, look, like, come, to, and, this, at, am, have, to, my, on & do.
Keep reading and writing these as much as you can!

Social Studies: To wrap up our Holiday study, Kindergartners will participate in different games and traditions from holidays we learned about. We will create Kwanzaa mats and play the dreidel game. Ask your child about a holiday we learned about! You could encourage them to use their hand, putting the main topic (holiday) on their palm and sharing key details (the things they learned) on each finger. This is a fun way to organize our thinking about nonfiction!

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