Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 2-4

Happy New Year! We are excited to see the students after a long break and get back into the swing of things!

Here is the link to our January newsletter.

Upcoming Events:
January 18: Half Day
January 21: No School
January 22 & 24: Family Nights-More info to come!
January 29: Field Trip to PAC--more info to come!

Here's a sneak peek at what's happening in Kindergarten! 

Reading: As I have been meeting with readers this past week, I am amazed at how they are able to figure out their patterns and solve unknown words--they really are turning into readers! As their books become less patterned, they will need to amp up some of their strategies! Readers will learn to go back to fix up their reading if it doesn't make sense. They can search the entire picture to figure out tricky words and rely on snap words--even when they have endings! We call these snap words in disguise! Search through the books your child brings home for snap words in disguise. For example, seeing, looked,.

Writing: This week will be a chart review in Kindergarten! The writers will look at our how to write a true story chart to be reminded that every story tells who was there, where it happened, what happened, and how the people were feeling. Then, we will review the following chart to make sure our sentences have everything they need.

Finally, students will set goals for what they need to do in their writing to make it the best it can be!

Math: Mathematicians will continue to solidify our understanding of teen numbers.  We will be making teen number arrangements and working to write equations that show the number of 10's and ones in each teen number.  We will also be revisiting 2D shapes and will work to show how shapes can work together to make new shapes.

Word Study: I would encourage students to keep practicing their snap words so that they can read and write them automatically. Dry erase markers, with a spoon in the snow, or with paint and a Q-tip are fun ways to practice writing these words!

Social Studies: To reboot and start our year off right, we will be reviewing classroom expectations and working on social curriculum. The lessons will include expected/unexpected behavior in a group, how our behavior impacts the feelings of those around us, and listening with our whole body.

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